Monday 8 March 2021

Become a Partner
As Part off
Project LUNA City

Way Sot you Become My LUNA City Partner ???

i have 10 year of experience in SL

Building & Running:
Shop, Club's, Parcels, City's & SIMs
Set Up & Run Small & Big Events :D

This 10 Years has Teach Me to Build & Run
The Perfect City SIM in SL Today
whit a Toon off Traffic :D

i Know have to get a full SIM of Shops
& Hove to Kip Them ;D

And as u can Se
i am a Pro at Advertising & Building Blogs
wit a RL Education in Advertising & Multimedia
& Art & Video Media & Design & Animation & Business

i Know & Understand
The Hiten & Visible Roles
That Makes Stuff Work
( a simple ting as wat way the floorboards
face from the entries of a Rooms Door/Opening )
??? Do You Know this Role ???

i Wont a Fun & happy City
wear visitors wont to explore and hang out,
Bring Friends & join The LUNA Community :D
a Sim that's Fun & Nice for us all...

i Am Looking for Minimum 2 Partners for this Project :D

i am looking for Partners hu Loves SL
And has Fun whit it :D

* Du you Love to Build Community & Run a Fun Sim :D

* Du you Love to Run Clubs and have fun wit it ? :)

* Du you wont to Start a SL/RL Radio Station ? :D

* Du you have a Shop & Need a Big Main Shop ? :)
Then LUNA City Has a Big one
Whit up to 6 entry's all over in the City ;D

* Or Do you wont to Run a Art Gallery 
? :)

* Do you Buren for the Fight to Kill Cancer ? :D
And Wont to Co Run LUNA Fair Grounds
Whit Me & Run Events ? :D

Wont to know More ? :D
Then Contact Me
LULU ( lulu6kat )

On X/Twitter

( i am almost always one TW )


in SL = Second Life

( If i am Not online or Dot Respond to you
Plies send a Notecard as i do NOT get IMs OffLine )

The More LUNA Partners the Better so Dot Be shay ;D

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