Sunday 7 March 2021


Se the Links:

Project LUNA City 2023 Updated
Click Here To Go To The Page :)


My Last place Collab Video :D
Whit YouTube,er @The_Top_Loader

Sum of My Hopes for
Project LUNA City

Wat Weal LUNA City Have in it ???...

Become a Partner As Part off Project LUNA City

The Making/Building off LUNA City

LUNA Community Magazine

??? Wat is Second Life ???

Become a Future Sponsor
For LUNA City's Community

More info Links are Coming ;D


Sum of My Hopes for
Project LUNA City

So First off i hope to have found
2 to 4 partners for Project LUNA City
Sometime in 2026 :D

My Dream is to Create a Newer And Better SL in SL :D

i have a old Dream of one day having aver own LUNA Sea in SL :D
Spanning Many Sea Sims & Regulars Sims & Rental Homestead Sims
So i Hop to have 100s of 
Project LUNA Partners one Day ;D
Dreams Nets Many People Working Together ;)

One Step at the time ;D

in LUNA City 
i want you to come here and feel at home & have fun :D
For Example:
Sit at the LIVE Café and watch people pass by
and chat with friends & Family :D
Enjoy the Live Music
stand-up Comedy & Poetry, or join in when we have karaoke :D
Play a Game with friends in the game room :D
And so one :D

Basically i am Make a Sim/Community
That Has All That Makes SL Nice & Fun :D
And Make it Better :D

Theirs so many Sim in SL wear there is
Next To No-On one the Streets :(
But whit My Plans & Experian's
+ The LUNA Partners,
This Weal Not be the Case in LUNA City ;D

And i wont to Make the LUNA Community
The Strongest 
Community in SL ;D

i also wont to have a
24 Hours Live LUNA Radio :D

Weal also Start a
LUNA Community Magazine
Click Her To Go To The Page :D

Become a Partner
As Part off Project LUNA City
Click Her To Go To The Page :D

My Last place Collab Video :D


Hay All :) hears a Little
Video from
i Help to Make ;D

Plies enjoy 

Hop you enjoy it :)
it was a lot of fun to make :D

Like FX making the Tops Hat ;D

Sadly My Place in SL is not there anymore :(
but i hop to have one in the Future agene :)

+ i Know have to Build & run the prefect Sim in SL
But not doing it agene whiteout 2 Partner or more ;D

Hears sum Photos From the Mine Movie :D

i mead 96% of wat SL Stuff u se in the video :D
Yes the Arcades to ;D
PS. i mad and designed wat i am wearing ;D
i Rely Miss My last Place :)
Was Fun to Build do :D

Wat is Second Life ?
Short SL

in Short its a Open 3D World 
wear you can Do Anything & Be Anything...

And All you se in SL
is Created Bay The Users For The Users :D 

You can Create your Owen world
just enjoy others Creations :D

Meat people from all over the world
and become friends :D

Explore SL whit them
( Play Games )
( Go Se Art Shows from around the World )

( Go Hear Live Singers from around the World  Live in SL )

( Go Clubs wear their is Live DJs from around the World )

( Get a Car and go Take a Drive on SL Main Lands Rode's )

( Go Se Live Theater show from a SL Theater Group )
( Go to a FunPark & Tray the Rides & Games )
( Go Shopping in 1 off SL Millions Users Shops )
( Go Play Sport Games )
Many Many More tings to Se & Do in SL :D

Do u like RP ?
Then theirs Many Roleplay Sim/Groups u can join :D

Or Maybe Become a SL Digital Photo Artist :D
And Take/Create Photos like the above ones :D

Hers All The Second Life Links u need to get stated:




We Recement u use The FireStorm Viewer
Set to MODE:
Viewer6 ;D


SL One T


We also Highly Recement you go se all
The ( Drax Files: World Makers ) Episodes on 
YouTube :D

And that you go Visit/Explore
( Fantasy Faire SL )

it only comes 1 time a Year :)
And its Relay For Life Event :D

(: We Support RLF in SL :)
