Wednesday 20 December 2023

Making / Building Off

Hers My Building off LUNA City :D

in 2020
i got the idea & Ages to Build a New LUNA City :)

The Neve DEOM V2
is Build on out off DEMO V1
so it a Bit Messy at the moment ;D

i am now on SandBox Rezz Number 6 of this City V2

= 6 Days of Building = 4 to 8 hours a Day ;)

Owh and plies kip in mind this is still a Row Build ;)

= i us the Brit colors to help Building
i weal pot Textures one and Fix the ones that are there ladder :)

And theirs still many Details that nits to be fix
i weal make 76% of the City's Parts Mesh ladder to ;D

Sum are Already MESH now for the old DEMO V1

PS. i Add now Photos to This Pages in order
= New ones at the Bottom :D

Photos Last Updated 2024 The 06/09 EU = 09/06 US :)

* SandBox Rezz Number 19

* Prims 2.954ish
This Number weal go up and Down
As i ad More Prims & Mesh :)


As You Can Se :)
LUNA City is Now a Lot Taller & The Hight i wonted it to be :D

i Mad the City a lot Bigger to By Coting over Have of the Sand on the Beach away :)

This also aloud the Space to Go Higher Up as i Original Wonted :)
The Vie From the TP-LP is aaaaaa Lot Better now :D
Wat is that Big New Whit Box LULU ?...
Way Thats: LUNAs LEGO Museum ;D
And the Spot over it Her: Weal Be: LEGO Plaza :D
The Street op for the LUNA Lighthouse & the Beach
And The Street Going up to: LEGO Plaza :D
Steps Down from: LEGO Plaza :D
The Back Streed of the LUNA 6Days AuktionHous & Hotel LUNA away for LEGO Plaza :D
The Backside of: LUNA 6Days AuktionHous :)
Lat's Ad My Ter & Bench Hear ;D
Entries to The Now a Lot Bigger LUNA Mall, Locking out to the LUNA FunPark :)
Locking out to Locking up for LUNA FunPark To The LUNA Mall 
Entries :)
LUNA Boardwalk Arcade, At the Start of LUNA FunPark :)
Back Near LEGO Plaza agene :)
Stress Up from & Next to the LEGO Museum :)
Rode down to the LEGO Plaza Next to the LUNA Art Gallery :)
From before it pot Builds and steers up there ;)
1 More Entrains to LUNA Mall :)
This Weal be Steps Connecting the Streets :)
The otter side off the LUNA Art Gallery :)
Street Down to LUNA Art Gallery :)
The Steps going all the Way Down to LUNA Art Gallery :)

Updated 2024 The 19/08 EU = 08/19 US :) >

(: Going up from The Art Gallery :)
(: Mad Steers to The Metro Hear :)

(: This Weal be a Smal outdoor Restaurant on LEGO Placer :)
(: This is the LUNA Family Marked Shop for RP :)

Updated 2024 The 24/08 EU = 08/24 US :) >

(: Mad sum New Windows Walls & This be the Old Gard Haus i Think :)
(: And 2 Small Hole in the Wall Shops :)
(: The Old Gard Haus i Think hanging over the Gat :)

(: Updated 2024 The 02/09 EU = 09/02 US :)

(: Updated 2024 The 06/09 EU = 09/06 US :)

This Building Weal Become LUNA Book Shop :)
Weal get a Toon More Details Eventually ;)


(: More Photos Coming :)